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What is the 90-day trial policy?

At HuggeBett, we offer you the opportunity to try our products risk-free for 90 days. If, during this period, you are not completely satisfied, simply return the product for a full refund.

What payment methods do you accept?

We offer a variety of secure payment options, including credit cards, PayPal, and other methods to suit your preferences.

How does the return process work?

If you decide to return a product under our 90-day trial guarantee, just contact our customer service. We will provide you with a return label and clear instructions for a hassle-free return and a full refund.

What are the delivery times?

We offer two delivery options: free delivery within 7 business days and express delivery within 5 business days

Are your products guaranteed?

Yes, we stand behind the quality and durability of our products. Each item is crafted using premium materials to ensure optimal comfort over the long term. For more details, please refer to our warranty terms.

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Satisfied or Refunded

It doesn't suit you then you will be refunded

Easy Returns

Returns extended to 90 days

Customer Support

24h/24h 7d/7d